Monday, September 17, 2012

Project 1, Week 3: Figure as Landscape

After experimenting with my make-up and getting the colors right for that aspect of the project, I took a few more test shots and refined my color palette. 

 Here are my materials! I got a lot better at achieving the texture/color I was going for this week.

My model was unavailable to shoot this past weekend for the final piece, so we are doing it next weekend. That gave me time this week to figure out how to best apply the make up. What I'm going to do (to make the process faster and work better with the stop-motion format I'm aiming for) is pre-make a bunch of latex pieces with all the textures painted in, and then apply those to my model one at a time throughout the shot. I realized that the liquid latex was taking too long to dry to use during the shoot, but once it's dry (and I've applied all the color) it's very preservable.

Here are a couple of my test shots. I really like the first one because when I showed it to my friends, they thought I just photoshopped it to look like there was a hole in my hand.

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