This week Don wanted me to focus on the elements we had completed: the script and the puppet! We set up a deadline for individuals blogs to be posted by midnight on Sundays, but some people didn't meet that deadline. This made putting together the blog a little frustrating since I had to wait on some of the content. I had to wait to insert pictures of the finished puppet because they puppet crew was working hard with every minute they had to put on finishing touches and make the puppet perfect!
Besides those completed items, I went through everyone's blogs for the week to see what other things people were working on, and picked just a few of the most interesting things. I hadn't featured any of the post-production or visual effects work yet, so I included some of that this week. As usual, the documentary crew's content was also helpful for showing progress.
I was also interviewed for the documentary!
Here are my screenshots of the blog post, or you can view it

Nice photo choice ;]