Sunday, November 11, 2012

Final Project Proposal

We've been given a completely open assignment for our last Design For Media project, so I'm using this opportunity to work on something that is specific and unique to me that I might not be able to do in any other class.

This summer, I started creating some mashup videos for YouTube. I call these videos "1 album, 4 minutes." I've only made 2 so far, but basically what I do is I create a medley from every song on a certain album, and then perform it. Here are the two videos that I made:

1 album, 4 minutes: Justin Bieber's "Believe"

1 album, 4 minutes, Owl City's "The Midsummer Station"

I like the mashups I made, but I filmed the videos with the webcam on my laptop. They are low quality and uninteresting. Some of favorite YouTube musicians have really nice videos for their mashups. and since I'm a cinematic arts major, I'd like to try and make an awesome video for my next mashup!

Here's a video by one of my favorite YouTube artists, I want to go somewhere like this!

Normally I just record piano/vocals, and program drums. I want to try and another layer of vocals and possibly some guitar and/or ukulele with this one.

The album I want to try and do is Taylor Swift's new album "Red".

Here's my timeline for getting this finished by the end of the semester:

The finished video will be up on Dec. 11!

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